
03 November 2024

Grew to 3.2K signups and 9 paying users. Still can't find a payment provider and Stripe is just constantly denying me. Tried multiple times this week and it is pissing me off. Noticed that I'm constantly stuck around 100-150 DAU even though signups is at 3.2K which I'm not sure if is a good number. The engagement rate for active users are not bad though I think. Still can't scale marketing, because there's no point in doing so if I can't have a self serve buy button. Honestly this is really fucking pissing me off and I have no idea how to fix it, like not even a faint idea of how.

I've had the time to take a step back, because of waiting for Stripe, and I've realized that I want to build a really amazing product. I think OpenCharacter is moving in the right direction, but it is just not amazing enough and I really want a top notch product. I also want to build 'foundational technologies' not just wrapping an API and making a nice UI (nothing wrong with that btw). Some fundamental novel way of doing existing or a new thing. Really make another S curve improvement.

As Amazon founder Jeff Bezos once said, “Our success at Amazon is a function of the number of experiments we run per year, per month, per day.”

Started a "corporate" site at everythingcompany.co I think I will write here a litlte about overall philosophy & building a company.

I really want to move into building deeper technologies, not just an API wrapper and a nice UI. I've only got one life and I don't think I want to spend it building React components.

But I need to make money first? Wouldn't inventing fundamnetal technology pay the big bucks?. I think last few days, I've just building for the sake of building I need to take more time to solve the problem and the customer experience and work backwards from there.

Still feel like OpenCharacter.org has good momentum though and can easily scale x1000 in relatively short time frame which should give me some decent cash to play around with. hopefully