
date Saturday, 31 August 2024.

I have a whopping 14 signups to vidcreate.lol definitely need to up the marketing game I have posted all the videos that the SaaS can create on TikToK some 20 videos and max is 780 views. Definitely need to do something different. I think I will try to create videos in a different style to market this thing. This venture is all about distribution and marketing I win if I can distribute well here the product is essentially a commodity at this point I mean I can make this thing in a few days imagine what a smart person could actually do.

I have also been reaching out to youtubers in this field and they are quite eager to promote it if you pay them $100-200 per video. So the supply of referrals are definitely there. Just need the demand from actual users!

Anyways I am also thinking of building other projects whilst I focus on marketing this one. Got a few projects going. The BurntTweeter is actually at 14,000 roasts already which is kinda insane. Gonna try to build a AI newspaper project next few days. I need to give myself more chances at success

Need to up that number by alot. Will do so with some videos