Have been working hard last few days and finally feel good. Talking to a cute girl really increases your work ethic
Anyways OpenCharacter is now growing faster? I need better tracking tbh, I don't even know DAU growth rates . I've built quite a lot of stuff last few days and also reached out to a over 200+ creators. Built a referral program, new free tool to create characters. A bunch of Reddit posts. and fixed a few bugs.
Thinking back now my work is all over the place. Maybe after Ananth said throw the kitchen sink at it. I did follow his advice. Anyways I'm feeling good about the effort I am finally putting in. effort increases luck so I'm just gonna keep grinding away. Plus its quite fun to see the numbers go up and to the right. I still need to make the right decisions though, I can't just work hard and make dumb decisions like in my past life. To be honest, I haven't really worked that hard ever now that I look back at my life. Always has been 8 hrs max, but last few days have been doing 12-16 hours and I feel amazing. Work will literally set you free lmao.
Anyways Im going to stop sharing numbers now, because I don't think its useful to share it.
What did I learn this week? Working hard is actually really rewarding. It makes me feel better.
I'm going to constantly push myself now to do more and more. It's like endurance running actually, a lot of it is just a mental game.